Emotional QUotient And LITeracy in Youth work
For 8 days, 46 youth workers will deeply dive into the topic, playing, discovering and assimilating our working methods suitable for small and large groups. The aim of this activity is to overview, “taste” and develop your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and its competences; to create and elaborate new tools for EQ development (reflection, feedback, other tools to promote, develop and improve EQ), to adjust and pilot some of these tools both in the off line and online dimensions.
“E-QUALITY – Emotional QUotient And LITeracy in Youth work” is a unique training, based on the years of experience in youth and social work, practical psychology, formal and non-formal education and aimed at developing and improving Emotional Intelligence and Emotional (Psychological) Literacy in Youth Work.
The program of the training is structured according to Goleman’s EQ model, in which Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is composed of the four main competences: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management.
Participant profile:
3 participants 18+ y.o.
Youth/social workers/leaders/NGO key staff;
Responsible, motivated and open to the new experience and learning opportunities;
Open-minded and flexible towards new knowledge, viewpoints and perspectives;
With knowledge and experience in working with NFL programs (desirable, but not mandatory);
Ready to contribute to the project implementation: share relevant knowledge and experience, organize a workshop, lead a session, etc.;
Ready to implement the project results in further work;
With good command of English;
Able to participate the whole project;
Ready to participate in dissemination activities during and after the project.
The Infopack has much more details about the project, please, check it out carefully before applying!
There is a participation [membership] fee of 25€ in this project.
Application period is over, all the participants have been selected.
If you have any question, we will be happy to answer!